Oscar Wilde once said: “I don’t want to be in the mercy of my emotions.I want to use them, enjoy them and dominate them”.

As Project leaders, it is more than necessary now to use our emotions to lead our teams to high performance. It is about leveraging our intrapersonal and interpersonal skills – in particular, high adjustment, sociability, sensitivity, and prudence while managing our projects in this ULTRA VUCA world. It is about being “Emotionally Intelligent”

What questions will we answer?

Is Emotionally intelligent means being “nice”?
Why is it so important to be emotionally intelligent in these unprecedented times? 
Are there any downside of being very “Emotionally Intelligent”?

Meet our Speakers!

Tony Appelby (Guest Speaker)

Afranio Lamy Spolador Junior (Latin America)

Rohit Chaudhary (Asia)

Mustafa Hafızoğlu (Europe)

Engineer Tororiro Isaac Chaza ( Africa)

Steve Fullmer (North America) – Session Moderator

How to register?

Register to be part of this event on 

Date: Nov 19, 2021

Time: 19:30 – 21:30 IST

Register here

When you register the time will be shown according to your local time zone.

This event is open for both members and non-members.